Friday, August 22, 2008


Brooke Jantz!!!!!!!!!!!! My new home on the web! I have been working on this most of the summer and am so excited to finally unveil it to all of you. Many of you have already seen it, either by accident (forgetting the blogspot tyring to get to here!) or because I've sent you there for your gallery. But it has been a work in progress for so long. It's still got some new things coming, but I finally got to shoot my cover model! And the site is coming together. So why not show it off!

I will continue to blog a few times a week as it is much easier to update the blog. Plus, the blog is more interactive. But the website will be where you can view all my galleries of my best work, where I'll post galleries for clients, the spot with all the info when you book a session, and a few extra perks I can only do on the website.

I just put up a slideshow of my Cover Model and hope you will check it out. She was a dream to shoot! She's got the photography bug, too, so she had lots of fantastic ideas and really worked the camera. She said she got lots of ideas from watching America's Next Top Model.

I'm already starting to book Christmas sessions so next week I plan to announce my Christmas specials here on the blog. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nicely done Brooke...
congratulations on all your success. I enjoy seeing what/who you've spent time with. Keep it up...